Please email the HHL contact: for
the home school support group meeting location. It is in Surrey (northwest) – particularly
accessible to residents of Surrey, North Delta, and New Westminster.
Paid membership ($30 annually) is required for notification / reminders of ‘meetings’ and ‘park days’. Contact us if interested, we are generous with ‘guest’ invitation.
Scroll down for:
Summer Park Days
HHL Park or Games Days – HHL Field Trips
General Homeschool Activity / Events in lower mainland
2024 – 2025 Season
Summer Park Days:
11:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Bring your own lunch. Unstructured.
Twice a month – alternating Saturday and Tuesday
Summer Park days will be cancelled with rain. The Summer Park Days (especially the Saturday
choices) are intended for complete family attendance – including the Dads – an excellent
opportunity for them to give and receive support as homeschool dads.
Reminder email with details sent one-week-prior AND day-of message will be sent to the
HHL mailing list to confirm or cancel all Park Days.
JUNE 25, Tuesday, Unwin Park, (13313 68 Avenue, Surrey BC (Newton). See:
July 9, Tuesday, Bear Creek Park (13750 – 88 Avenue, Surrey).
See: We meet at the main playground (parking lot just off 88 Ave). Note outdoor pool, see:
JULY 27, Saturday, Blackie Spit (3136 McBride Avenue, Surrey). See: Park at Blackie Spit and meet at the grassy area with picnic tables or look for us on the sandy beach, preferably under the small trees
AUG 13, Tuesday, Annieville Park, 9150 112 Street, N Delta
AUG 24, Saturday, Centennial beach, (12th Avenue and Boundary Bay Road in Tsawwassen, Delta). See:
You can get there by taking Highway 99 south from Vancouver, and turning off south at the
Tsawwassen/B.C. Ferry exit (Highway 17). Turn left on 56th Avenue and then left again on 12th Avenue.
New West Homeschool Family Summer Park Days,
Organized by: Pacific Schole (a Charlotte Mason inspired co-op)
Dates: every Wednesday. Invitations are weather dependent.
Time: 10:00 ish until whenever you and your family need/want to leave.
Details: All dates are weather dependent, there will NOT be an official “cancelled” email. All
families will use their own discretion, and attend / dress for the weather. These parks have water (wading or spray park) options. Bring your own coffee, snacks, and a lunch. Plus, once the summer is in full swing, towels and swimsuits!
Feel free to invite others as this is not a “Pacific Schole Only” group
June 26 – White Pine Beach on Sasamat Lake – beach day. Pay parking ($3/hr). 3.5 km walk around the lake (not stroller friendly) that some might be interested in doing.
July 3 – Cariboo (7735 Cariboo Rd, Burnaby, BC).
Contact the HHL support group ( for the facilitator
of these events. Signal group link or text reminder available on request.
2024 – 2025 Calendar of Meetings
Meeting schedule the 3rd * Monday of every month 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
(Sept to June)
*altered when needed for: the statutory holidays and June.
Note: week prior and day of email reminders are sent to the HHL email list. Meetings will be
cancelled in case of snow – confirmed by email.
Sharing and prayer are an important part of our meetings, meaningful support is our goal.
SEPTEMBER 16 – “Meet and Greet”: Welcome new inquiring moms and new / existing members. Update on each other and what are your plans for the new year. Bring curriculum as desired. A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion).
Business: Registration and Annual Membership fee ($30) – register or re-register. Update info
especially curriculum choices, for print directory.
Assess meeting topics for this season – especially Creation Science in April – needs may have
Planning for Field Trips, Activity (Park Days), online classes provided by our members.
OCTOBER 21 –”Teaching our Children Thanksgiving”. A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion). Alice to facilitate Print Directory available.
NOVEMBER 18 – “Online Homeschool Resources – websites, free resources, math drills etc.”. A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion). Michelle to facilitate.
DECEMBER 2* – “Annual Christmas Social – Sharing, praise and prayer with Alumni”. Appetizer Pot luck at the church. Starter question if needed? (Renee to invite). A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion).
JANUARY 20 –‘”Curriculum sharing – favorite, least favorite and why”. (Some families need to order resources in March). A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion).
FEBRUARY 10 (to avoid BC Family Day) – “Balance of work, school and life”. A group discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion).
MARCH 17 – “Character training – helping children (and moms to navigate failure “ A group
discussion (shared task to facilitate discussion).
Opportunity for selling second hand materials. Note: Second hand sale in Abbotsford in April. A lot of second-hand book selling happens on Facebook these days. There are a few Facebook groups in our area a person can join to see materials people have posted and make arrangements to pick them up at the person’s home. Some people also post on Craigslist.
APRIL 25– note Friday, starting time 7:00 PM. Creation Science Association of BC
( presentation for local homeschool community (8th annual). Topic: Design Requirements that Enable Flight. With resource tables. Invite our families, and other homeschool groups. (RV to contact and invite homeschool groups in broader community).
(if requested by HHL members an April support group meeting (in addition to the above event) can be organized).
MAY 12 – –‘Alumni presentation, “Planning / prep for summer homeschool life /activities – rest (also for mom) and continued learning (so you don’t lose progress / mastery for children”. HHL Alumni, Dawn C to facilitate / present. (RV, to request)
JUNE 2 * – “Planning meeting for next season” (Planning calendars provided). Meetings and
discussion topics, Summer Park Days, next season Park Days.
Attendees are the Administration Team for next season. Bring your ideas for topics / speakers for next season. Come with feedback from the past year – What were your favorite speakers / topics? What were the most helpful meetings? What meeting blessed you the most, and which one(s) disappointed you. Review, assess and identify possible alternatives and solutions. Feedback about administration and format of the group.
Business: Registration and Annual Membership fee ($30) – register or re-register (update info for print directory distributed in Oct). Pre-payment in June allows you to borrow library materials over the summer.
Annual treasurer’s report.
As needed volunteers for position holders – see ‘contacts’ tab on HHL website: Banking changes require formal minutes to be compiled for bank – minutes to be approved and signed.
General notes:
The ‘Snack’ volunteer may open and close with prayer (or ask someone else to do this. Moderation of the meeting – all attendees will be responsible to help facilitate the discussion. The HHL member that confirms the speaker is to provide a week-prior reminder, introduce and conclude the meeting, and send a thank you to the speaker within a week post- meeting.
Avoid Nov to Feb for speakers or invites to other homeschool groups due to possible winter
conditions for travelling.
Regarding meeting topics, flexibility will be exercised to accommodate, ie. special opportunities / speakers / unique needs / topics of members. Please communicate your ideas and recommendations via the HHL email. Also, consider: to have a meeting for the Dads.
Consider ‘End of the Year Dinner / talent / science project / displays’ evening for families and
invited guests (grand parents etc). Note: This type of event requires a huge amount of planning / prep / clean-up.
Snack Schedule
for evening meetings (schedule to be completed at Sept meeting)
Sept. – Renée
Oct. – Maryna R
Nov. – Michelle C
Dec. – appy potluck – everyone.
Jan. – Alice V
Feb. – Marcey G
Mar. –
Apr. – Not required due to Creation Science presentation.
May – Michelle B
Jun. – Renée.
2024 – 2025 Season
Park / Board Games Days:
12:30 to 2:30 PM
Twice Monthly 2nd and 4th Tuesday (note some months have 5 Tuesdays!)
Indoor location (for board games) if the weather is rainy.
Reminder with location details sent the week prior. Final reminder and confirmation of park or games day location sent on the day-of the Park Day.
Park locations are tentative and subject to change as per weather and convenience of the group – please pay close attention to the email reminders!
Board Game Day. Bring your own games. Craft supplies can also be brought. Creation Sci video in separate room for those interested. Intend to be involved with the children. No food on location please, to reduce clean-up responsibilities!
Tuesday, Sept 10). Hawthorne Park (10513 – 144 Street, Surrey BC) See:
Tuesday, Sept 24. Historic Stewart Farm (Harvest Fair) 13723 Crescent Road Surrey OR
Cloverdale Athletic Park (6330 168 St, Surrey BC). See:
Tuesday, Oct 8. Tynehead Park (beginning our attempts to see the Salmon Homecoming). (16689 96 Ave, Surrey). See:
Tuesday, Oct 22 second try if needed for Tynehead Park (Salmon homecoming) OR Bear Creek Park (13750 – 88 Avenue, Surrey). See: . We meet at the main playground (parking lot just off 88 Ave).
Tuesday, Nov 12 Surrey Museum visit (17710 56A Avenue, Surrey). See: (Michelle C) OR Fleetwood Park (15802 80 Avenue, Surrey). See:
Tuesday, Nov 26 for Christmas display (beginning our attempts to visit): Burnaby Village (6501 Deer Lake Ave, Burnaby). See: To be confirmed. NOTE: Later start – 1 PM on location. Weather is unreliable at this time of year, therefore 3 days set apart for this event.
Tuesday, Dec 10 second try if needed for Burnaby Village OR Surrey Nature Centre
Tuesday, Dec 17 third try if needed for Burnaby Village OR HHL Park Day cancelled.
Tuesday, Jan 14 Fleetwood Park (15802 – 80 Avenue, Surrey). See:
Tuesday, Jan 28 Skating at Coquitlam Porier Recreation Centre -Toonie Skates, (630 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, See: OR
Annieville Park, (9150 112 Street, North Delta). See:
Tuesday, Feb 11 Cloverdale Athletic Park (6330 168 St, Surrey BC).
Tuesday, Feb 25 Bear Creek Park (13750 – 88 Avenue, Surrey). See: . We meet at the main playground (parking lot just off 88 Ave). OR Swimming i.e Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre (16855 – 24 Avenue Surrey). See: ? when Public swim, admission?
Tuesday, March 11 Hawthorne Park (10513 – 144 Street, Surrey BC) See:
Tuesday, March 25 Green Timbers Urban Forest Park (14400 Block of 100 Avenue). See: Meet in the 100 Ave ‘main’ parking lot on the south side of the road (just east of the 144 St
intersection). Trillium blooms (dates are not exact and are dependent on the spring weather) The Trillium trail is in the SE section of Green Timbers on the North side of 100
Ave. Emphasize with your kids – NO PICKING the Trillium blooms or there will be none for future generations.
Tuesday, April 8 Fleetwood Park (15802 – 80 Avenue, Surrey). See:
Tuesday, April 22 Fort Langley (23433 Mavis Ave, Langley) See: ,, Give yourself 45 minutes at least to arrive. This is a National park – website down at time of calendar compilation. Age 6-17 free,
Adults $9 each. Free parking?
Tuesday, May 13 Reifel Bird Sanctuary (5191 Robertson Road, Delta – it takes about 40+ minutes to travel there from Newton – plan your timing / car pool. See: Each family must preregister 3 days in advance . We visit as individual families, not as a group (or potential tour fees). Must arrive before 11 for entrance. Bring a lunch, plan on a few hours of walking. Adults $8, Children (2-14) $6. Parking free.
Tuesday, May 27 Annieville Park, (9150 112 Street, North Delta).
Tuesday, June 10 Hawthorne Park (10513 – 144 Street, Surrey BC) See:
Tuesday, June 24 Fleetwood Park (15802 – 80 Avenue, Surrey). See:
Park options (key words: playground, trails and washrooms). We also choose parks not connected to schools. Locations with a field trip focus – need adequate parking or convenient transit, and please consider entrance fees.
Other considerations – Swimming? Fitness place (i.e. Sun God in Delta) – use of gym? Especially for wet winter weather!
HHL Field Trips
If you are interested in a location – please organize.
Options: VSO in Nov or Feb. Surrey Museum, (Zoo, Planetarium, Science world – best done with a DL school – reasonable prices). Also swimming / skating (public hours) – possible at another city – New West.
General Homeschool Activity / Events in lower mainland
Sept – Not going back to school picnics ?
Swimming Fall sessions (10 sessions at Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex) and skating (?) registration starting in August. click on ‘culture and rec’, ‘activities search and register’. Check Sungod pool for Delta lessons.
Oct. – Bird migration, Salmon ‘homecoming’ begins
Life Chain Sunday is 1st Sunday in October from 2-3 PM. For Surrey, usually takes place on King George between 104 and Holland Park. September is when details and location are confirmed. Link:
Nov. – Remembrance Day events at local cenotaphs – usually start at 10:30 – check newspaper for info.
Reg begins for SSLC swim for the Jan sessions.
Dec. – Various Christmas events – church and cities.
Jan. – Swimming session (winter) begins (SSLC) (see Sept) . Mission Central SERVE (formerly Missions Fest Vancouver)- Vancouver (last weekend in Jan)
Feb. – Family Day – check , click on ‘culture and rec’, and ‘events’ – often free swim / skate in select locations, but be aware – usually very busy. Other ‘city’ locations are often free admission as well.
Mar. – Reg for SSLC swim for the April Spring sessions
Apr. – Swimming session begins (SSLC)
Surrey Environmental Extravaganza events – Apr to June) many free family events (local nature). Check , click on ‘culture and rec’, ‘parks’, ‘programs and events in parks’, ‘public programs’, ‘environmental extravaganza’
‘Used book’ sales begin (Abbotsford) Also check Facebook and other internet sites.
May – B C Homelearners Conference?
March for Life, Victoria , 1st Thursday in May (?) Info for this will come out in the spring. Link from this past year if you want to learn more.
Surrey Children’s Festival (end of May) See city of Surrey website.
Jun. – TLA Track and Field Sports Day ?
Homeschool / Family Sports Day events may also be organized by other support groups (Langley Home Educators Association. contact: , New Life Homeschool support group, Burnaby . Richmond (South Delta Home Learners) group – please pass info of these events to HHL. Usually requires registration prior to the event.
School’s Done Picnics?
Prayer Sunday for the Persecuted Church ‘One With Them’ by Open Doors. Hebrews 13:3: “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering”.
Note: TLA field trips throughout the year.
Some field trips are open for non-TLA families, provided there is space. Field trips are posted on the website and families are welcome to check this out regularly. Contact TLA for availability, details and payment. home page,- our community, – events and field trips
TLA and other school field trip opportunities will be ‘forwarded’ to the HHL email list if we are
informed. Please send info to the Heritage Home Learners email