Our Purpose
The mission of the Heritage Home Learners support group is to provide loving support to families that have chosen to educate their children at home. The HHL support group seeks to provide parents with support through monthly meetings, social activities, prayer opportunities, and homeschooling resources available through the lending library. Members will have access to a variety of opportunities and events such as field trips and social events, as facilitated by other members. They will also be provided with information and resources that will enable them to make informed choices for their unique situations and families.
Our Philosophy
We are homeschooling families who endeavour to educate our children from a Christian perspective. It is our desire to fulfill God’s purpose and plan for our lives as we direct our children’s education. We teach our children that they are valuable creations that God has entrusted to us, for the purpose of teaching and discipling them. Individually, we seek God’s will for our families and desire to follow it as He leads. For this reason, we understand that no two families will educate their children in exactly the same way. Rather they will facilitate learning according to the gifts and styles God has blessed them with in order to achieve their family’s educational and social goals.
Statement of Faith
We believe that:
The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. The Bible in its original form is without error. It is God’s letter to us, written to teach and guide us through our Christian walk with God.
God has existed from all eternity in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ came in flesh. He was completely without sin, having two natures, true God and true Man, in one person.
We all are fallible. No one is perfect or without sin. The consequence of sin is spiritual death. We believe that Jesus chose to pay the penalty for all of our sins by dying on the cross and that he was resurrected after three days.
Anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and wishes to be forgiven for all their sins, can humbly pray and ask forgiveness, and they will be forgiven eternally because Jesus has already paid the penalty for their sin through the crucifixion. Then they can develop a loving relationship with God that will last an eternity. This is called the gift of salvation. It can only be received by a true act of faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son.