Apologia Science: www.apologia.com ; https://www.facebook.com/apologiaworld
Berean Builders Homeschool Science (Dr. Jay Wile): Homeschool Science Curriculum and Supplemental Resources https://bereanbuilders.com/ecomm/
Considering God’s Creation | Eagle’s Wings Educational Materials: www.eagleswingsed.com/
Creation Science Association of BC Creation based homeschool curriculum, Jonathan Park material, books, DVD’s to buy or rent. www.creationbc.org
Creation Museum CreationTruthMinistries.org
Digital Frog International Inc Natural science software, dissection, anatomy and ecosystems: www.digitalfrog.com
Gravitas Publications
Home School Science Curriculum, Books and Support for Biology, Chemistry and Physics for Kids Real science-4-kids (physics, biology, chemistry) www.gravitaspublications.com
Great Science Adventures Common Sense Press – Publisher of Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Great Science Adventures, and other easy-to-use curricula for homeschoolers. https://www.commonsensepress.com/store/c53/Science.html
Northwest Creation Network Apologetics Symposium, Classes and Seminars, Annual Seattle Creation Conference. Creation Wiki: a free educational encyclopedia that has been written from the creationist worldview: nwcreation.net
Northwest Treasures Homeschool Geology Curricula, Rock, Mineral, & Fossil Kits for grades Pre-K – 12. Young earth, Biblical flood perspective. Free newsletter email: northwestexpedition@msn.com Geology/earth science curriculum, field trips and tours, including Mt. Baker area, Mt. St. Helens area, and Whidbey Island. Rockhounding series. northwestrockandfossil.com
Beauty and the Phi Ratio, Thinking Skills Online Dojo See ‘curriculum suppliers’ tab for full description. Contact: cenkner@gmail.com
A Rocha Canada
A Rocha is a Christian Environmental Stewardship organization, with a location in Surrey. A Rocha (Portuguese for ‘The Rock’). 5 Characteristics: conservation, community, Christian, co-operation, cross-cultural. Environmental Stewardship. Inspiring Change. Caring for Creation.
Brooksdale Environmental Centre (1620 192 St Surrey BC V3Z 9V2) Spring Open House – May
canada.kids@arocha.ca : Nuruturing children’s delight and curiosity in the natural world: 2 hour programs, max 30 students $5.00 / person, non refundable deposit for date reservation $25.00, programs March to June and September to Nov.
Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)
Annual National Crystal Growing Competition Open to all highschool aged students (13-18 years old) including home schooled students, free.
website for the event: https://www.cheminst.ca/discover/
contact: jcanal@sfu.ca
John P. Canal, Ph.D. CIC Local Vancouver Section Chair, Department of Chemistry, SFU
Creative Cube Mobile Studio
Art and science educational events and parties (30’ft mobile custom studio).
For birthday parties, class (minimum of 15) www.creativecube.ca
Earthquake info https://earthquaketrack.com/r/british-columbia-canada/recent
Greater Vancouver Zoo (Aldergrove): www.gvzoo.com
Happy in the Hibernation Den
After summer, Grinder and Coola, Grouse Mountain’s two Grizzly bears retire to their hibernation den. Their hibernation den is a bit less private than others, affording a view into their action, behaviours and patterns during their hibernation period. The Bear Den webcam is available on our website – click to catch the cozyness live. https://www.grousemountain.com/web-cams/bear-den-cam
Honeybee Centre – 7480 176 Street, Surrey: www.honeybeecentre.com
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre (Vancouver) – Planetarium: www.spacecentre.ca
Moody Institute of Science
‘A New You Ministry’ The Moody Institute of Science educational films series are a collection of vintage science films: http://www.anym.org/moody_science_videos.html
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta: www.reifelbirdsanctuary.com/
Rondriso Farms
A small family run operation located in Surrey, B.C. The Tamis Family has been farming in Surrey since 1958. They feature a pumpkin patch in October. Purchase from the yard, or take a haywagon ride (admission at the store) down to the field and pick your own.
Science AL!VE
Science, engineering and technology club for girls:
- AL!VE Girls Junior (Grades 1 – 4)
- AL!VE Girls Senior (grades 5 – 7)
Every second Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Sept to Dec and Jan to May
Location usually at Simon Fraser University (Burnaby campus)
§ Fall = $75.00 for 8 meetings § Spring = $90.00 for 10 meetings § Both Sessions = $140.00 for 18 meetings
Registration fees do not cover any additional costs for field trips
Science & Nature (Langley): https://sciencenatureco.com/
Science in the Valley workshops at Trinity Western University
contact: Liz.robertson@twu.ca (Faculty Assistant, Faculty of Natural and Applied Science)
7600 Glover Road, Langley, BC
Workshops, May Chemistry, Biology, ecosystems, salmon Ages 6 and up $12.00 per workshop, limited space
Science World British Columbia (Vancouver): www.scienceworld.ca
Taves Family Farms Applebarn
hayride, ride a pony, pick your own apples,pumpkins, navigate the Corn Quest Maze, ride the tire swings, bounce on jumping pillows, pet barn animals at Farmville, learn about the life cycles of apples, pumpkins and honey bees and much more.
333 Gladwin Rd, Abbotsford, BC https://www.tavesfamilyfarms.com/
Urban Safari Rescue Society and Cinamazoo
Care and education about exotic animals
1395 176th St.
Surrey BC
604 531-1100
Vancouver Aquarium
Bird identification,
Highly recommended: Cornell Lab of Ornithology www.allaboutbirds.org and their Merlin app with id help, images and song recordings (‘Bird Song Hero’), etc.
Great Backyard Bird Count: www.birdcount.org/ February
Project Feeder watch: https://feederwatch.org/
Audubon https://www.audubon.org/
Bird Studies Canada https://www.birdscanada.org/
Ducks Unlimited Canada
migration, maps https://www.ducks.ca/
(Canada) https://www.ducks.org/ (international)
E Bird https://ebird.org/home
Wild Birds Unlimited surrey.wbu.com/ for all things bird seed, bird feeder, squirrel proofing, minimizing seed waste … very helpful and knowledgeable
Enrichment continued